Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whisper Wednesday: Waiting to Exhale

Breathing is a natural, involuntary and voluntary act that we do every moment that we're alive. Conscious and unconscious. On average a person breathes 23,000 times a day. Of course those numbers can greatly fluctuate depending on how active the person is.

Another factor that can change ones rate of breathing is stress. Stress can cause you to tense up, contracting the muscles of your neck, shoulders and chest which restricts the expansion of your ribs and lungs resulting in short labored breathes. With a daily accumulation of stress it can trigger internal effects such as tension headaches, increased blood pressure, diarrhea/constipation, suppressing your immune system and in some people, triggering panic attacks.

So, take a chill pill, a few deep breathes and relax!! Easier said than done, right?

Well, aside from keeping us alive, certain breathing techniques can significantly decrease your levels of stress and increase your level of relaxation. When these breathing techniques are practiced during a massage session, it can greatly enhance your relaxation and allow for a deeper massage, if so desired. And I'm not talking about the Lamaze "he, he, hoo" breathing. If your massage session is causing you to breath like that, I'd jump off the table quick!

It should also be noted that for those who have problems with hyperventilation or dizziness you should consult your doctor before practicing any breathing exercises. And if you do become dizzy while performing the breathing exercises, you should stop immediately. Not breathing, just the exercise. Smarty pants.

A common breathing exercise used in yoga is called, Ujjayi. It is a perfect breathing technique to use during massage. Especially for those more therapeutic and deep tissue massages. It's a deep, slow technique that causes you to make a sound as you inhale and exhale. Almost like listening to the ocean or a whisper, therefore causing you to focus on your breathing and calming your mind and body.

Here is a guide on the Ujjayi breathing. VERY relaxing.

Happy Breathing!!! Whoo-saaaa....

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