Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Whisper Wednesday: How To Gain Body Awareness

Body awareness. It's an expression and ideal that I am constantly surrounded by at work, when dancing or when exercising.

Nearly every time I give a massage I hear, "Wow, I didn't realize how tight my legs are" or "I don't know what I did to make that so tender" or my favorite, "You never realize how sore you really are until you get a massage". And why is that? Why are so many people unaware of the physical condition of their bodies? Or if they are, they think it's normal to live in frequent pain? With the expectation of those who living with pain as a result of injuries or congenital, degenerative and autoimmune diseases we should not think of pain as a normal state of being. If the source of the pain/discomfort can't be easily explained such as from repetitive physical labor at work, being sedentary at the cubicle, stress on the job or accidentally bumping into the corner of a coffee table or wall, then either someone is beating you up in your sleep or you may have reason for concern to have a chat with your doctor.

So...what can you do about it? How can you gain more body awareness? Well, here are a list of my top 5 picks to help enhance your body awareness.

1. My new favorite activity, YOGA.

Yoga is the perfect blend of focusing on balance, breathing, flexibility, movement and strength. There are said to be hundreds of various styles of yoga each focusing on a different goal and philosophy. The link above shares 20 popular styles of yoga and what to expect from each.


Whether you're a professional, amateur or anywhere in between, dancing is a great way to gain body awareness. You build awareness by using your sense of sight, sound and touch as well as, stimulating and strengthening your core for balance. You also become aware of your breathing and body parts in order to move more efficiently and if there are any restrictions in your flexibility or strength you can practice to increase those limits.

(Yes, that is me breaking on the left with my manfriend. Had so much fun at this jam! Miss my girls, Erika and Katie!)


As with yoga, there are various types of meditation and each has many wonderful benfits. The goal for each can range from increasing relaxation, concentration, breathing, visualization or body scanning. This technique of awareness can be especially beneficial for those that experience high stress levels and/or need a moment of solitude to recenter.


I think it goes without saying that exercising is a quick eye opener about the state of ones body. Whether it be to lose weight, increase strength, build muscle or improve your sports performance, you'll discover many things about yourself. Such as the level of your determination and will to set and reach a goal, your current health conditions, myoskeletal imbalances and compensations to name a few.

5. Last but not least, MASSAGE.

Photo courtesy of Tammy Tso

Only makes since, don't you think? ;) Through manual manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, you become aware of tension and stiffness, myoskeletal compensations, limited circulation, inflammation and neuromuscular deficiencies. Massage also makes you aware of your level of stress; how ergonomic your work station is; your posture while working in a sedentary working environment; ways to prevent of repetitive stress disorder and trigger points and their referral pain patterns. With this knowledge you can choose whether to adopt one or more of the above listed activities to resolve the listed issues as well as treat those trigger points using a handy dandy homemade massage tool.

Thanks for reading! Hope you learned something new!
Do you do one or more of these activities or something different? How has it helped with your body awareness?

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ~Buddha

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Focus, New Goals, New Year, New Posts!!'s been a while, right??? I hadn't noticed! Hope you all are well this new year of Twenty12! Things have started off quite productive for me. New part time job working at a fitness center in addition to my full-time job at the chiropractors office makes for a lot of happy, relaxed and pain free individuals! It also means, more work and less play for me. However, I am not complaining because I'm blessed to have employment and in influx in clientele to help educate towards attaining a healthier mind and body.

Aside from work stuffs I am also focusing more on ME!! I am fortunate enough to get regular two hour massages from my gal pal and massage therapist extraordinaire, Cassie! We sorta slacked off a bit because of holidays and other unfortunate events, but now we're back on track! And with that comes a new activity for myself...YOGA!! Yessss...!! When my bestie/roomie/lil sis, Tammy came back from California last summer, she also brought a new out look on her own wellness. Meaning healthier, organic foods, a new gym membership and a overall holistic life style. I'm so proud of this transition she's made after talking about it for quite some time. A big thanks also goes out to a certain Wellness & Performance Coach for sparking this new addiction that Tammy has for wellness. Between the two of us Tammy has NO ROOM for excuses or sympathy! Muahahaha

Anywho..I said all that to say that I am surrounded by other like minded individuals and I'm inspired and motivated to take my health and fitness to a new level. This will also go hand in hand with my bgirling to increase my stamina, strength and flexibility. I'm already seeing great progress! Splits, anyone?? Yeah, I almost got em! Which is saying a lot being that I've NEVER been able to do them before!
May not look like much, but this is a HUGE accomplishment for me!
And no..I'm not screaming out in pain, I'm yelling out, "YEAH!".

With these new goals and lifestyle changes this will also mean regular blog posts! I know that's what you all were waiting for!! ; )
Whisper Wednesday's will be back in full effect giving weekly informative advice on many topics and updates on my personal progress. Also, I will start doing a bi-monthly(maybe monthly) Shout Out to a person of my choosing that has caught my attention for doing something awesome! Anything from achieving a goal, making a goal, being an encouragement, being an inspiration or just being you! So, I'm excited to get started!

The first Whisper Wednesday will be posted next week. I'm going skiing for the first time with my Manfriend and a few other amazing friends for Valentine's Day! ^_^ I'm excited and expect to be very sore when we return home! haha

Until then, take care!!