Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Whisper Wednesday: High Heels Gotcha Down?

So who doesn't love a sexy pair of pumps or stilettos?? We can't all be models, but wearing them does give the wearer an added star quality and sex appeal. They give the illusion of longer, leaner legs, a fuller butt and firm calves. Who wouldn't want that? However, here is the lowdown on high heels. For those of you that wear these sexy devils regularly you will eventually experience shortened calves, shorten tendons, bunions and pain.

Our bodies are very proficient at adapting and compensating for prolonged mechanical stress and movement patterns. Consequentially function, strength and range of motion may also decrease. Of course some women and men(can't forget about the fabulous drag queens!) live by the motto that "Beauty is Pain" but, for how much suffering?

I've massaged a countless number of female clients who complain of foot, leg and lower back pain and they are clueless as to why. When I ask what types of shoes they wear regularly, a majority of them confess to wearing heels more than 4 to 5 days a week. While the client is lying prone, I can feel the tension in their gastrocnemius as if it is in constant contraction. Their hamstrings are also, not surprisingly, tense with fibrous adhesions. While the client is lying supine, it is clearly obvious that the calf muscles are shortened, resulting in the foot pointing in plantar flexion (think ballet pointe). When I attempt to gently rotate the ankle, it is very stiff and has reduced range of motion as a consequence of a stiffened Achilles tendon. Not a good look ladies..and queens!

How many of you experience pain and/or discomfort when wearing flat shoes or walking barefoot? This is a result of the Achilles tendon not being able to stretch properly due to being shortened while in heels.

So..what can be done to reverse the effects of this adapted movement pattern and chronic muscle/tendon shortening and stiffness?? One word.... STRETCH. Stretching is pertinent for the muscle fibers, as well as, the fascia connective tissue. 

*Stretching should not be painful. If pain is present then reduce the tension or discontinue the stretch. 

Calf Foam Rolling:

Calf Stretch:

Achilles Tendon Stretch:

Arch Foot Pain:

I hope these videos help to save a few legs and feet.Wear your stilettos pain free, ladies and queens!

**This post is not meant to diagnose or treat injury or illness. Check with your doctor before starting any exercise or stretching routine.**


  1. great suggestions. I started wearing shoes around the house instead of walking barefoot to save my feet :) I may be going to the foot doctor for the first time ever if it doesn't stop feeling like I have a pea-sized cyst embedded in one of my feet though!

    1. Oh no! How long have you been having that feeling in your foot? Does massaging it or applying ice help at all? Hopefully, after seeing the podiatrist it isn't anything stretching and/or corrective shoes can't fix.
