Monday, February 13, 2012

New Focus, New Goals, New Year, New Posts!!'s been a while, right??? I hadn't noticed! Hope you all are well this new year of Twenty12! Things have started off quite productive for me. New part time job working at a fitness center in addition to my full-time job at the chiropractors office makes for a lot of happy, relaxed and pain free individuals! It also means, more work and less play for me. However, I am not complaining because I'm blessed to have employment and in influx in clientele to help educate towards attaining a healthier mind and body.

Aside from work stuffs I am also focusing more on ME!! I am fortunate enough to get regular two hour massages from my gal pal and massage therapist extraordinaire, Cassie! We sorta slacked off a bit because of holidays and other unfortunate events, but now we're back on track! And with that comes a new activity for myself...YOGA!! Yessss...!! When my bestie/roomie/lil sis, Tammy came back from California last summer, she also brought a new out look on her own wellness. Meaning healthier, organic foods, a new gym membership and a overall holistic life style. I'm so proud of this transition she's made after talking about it for quite some time. A big thanks also goes out to a certain Wellness & Performance Coach for sparking this new addiction that Tammy has for wellness. Between the two of us Tammy has NO ROOM for excuses or sympathy! Muahahaha

Anywho..I said all that to say that I am surrounded by other like minded individuals and I'm inspired and motivated to take my health and fitness to a new level. This will also go hand in hand with my bgirling to increase my stamina, strength and flexibility. I'm already seeing great progress! Splits, anyone?? Yeah, I almost got em! Which is saying a lot being that I've NEVER been able to do them before!
May not look like much, but this is a HUGE accomplishment for me!
And no..I'm not screaming out in pain, I'm yelling out, "YEAH!".

With these new goals and lifestyle changes this will also mean regular blog posts! I know that's what you all were waiting for!! ; )
Whisper Wednesday's will be back in full effect giving weekly informative advice on many topics and updates on my personal progress. Also, I will start doing a bi-monthly(maybe monthly) Shout Out to a person of my choosing that has caught my attention for doing something awesome! Anything from achieving a goal, making a goal, being an encouragement, being an inspiration or just being you! So, I'm excited to get started!

The first Whisper Wednesday will be posted next week. I'm going skiing for the first time with my Manfriend and a few other amazing friends for Valentine's Day! ^_^ I'm excited and expect to be very sore when we return home! haha

Until then, take care!!

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