Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Whisper Wednesday: Heat or Ice???

Ice, Ice Baby
This is a question I commonly get asked when someone is trying to treat a sports injury. Most people are aware of the R.I.C.E Treatment for an acute soft tissue injury, but are unsure when to use heat. If you're unsure as to which to use, it's a better bet to use ice before using heat.

Typically you'll want to use ice on an acute injury. Such as from a sprain, strain or fall. For the Bboys/Bgirls working on those power moves. These injuries are often sudden and as a result can cause swelling at the site of injury, pain, tenderness, redness and skin hot to the touch.
Wrap the ice/ice pack in a towel and apply to the skin for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Make sure the skin returns to its normal body temperature before using it again. If applying the ice to an area of skin with little fat or muscle do not exceed 10 minutes.

Because chronic injuries develop over time and are often the result of repetitive use, both ice and heat can be used.

Cold Therapy:
An athlete such as a Bboy/Bgirl who has recurring knee pain that gets worse after dancing will want to ice the knee AFTER they're done dancing. This will prevent the occurrence of inflammation or reduce inflammation that has already occurred.

Heat Therapy:
Heat can also be used on a chronic injury that DOES NOT result in inflammation or swelling, such as muscle tension or stiff joints. That same Bboy/Bgirl with the recurring knee pain can also use heat BEFORE they dance to help reduce muscle tension and/or spasm. The heat can also help to increase flexibility of joint tendons and muscles.

Moist heat is most ideal because it penetrates the muscle deeper. Use a towel when using heat to prevent burning the skin and apply for 15-20 minutes.

If the symptoms of your injury do not improve or worsen in 48 hours, you should call your doctor. 

Hope you were paying attention! There will be a pop quiz soon!